About Global Coffee Break

Connected Through Global Coffee Break

Global Coffee Break reflects 50 years of experience in developing meaningful and personal connections through Bible-centered study guide materials and leadership resources. Visit the Shop to explore!


50 years of experience in developing meaningful and personal connections50 years of experience in developing meaningful and personal connections

Discover Our Materials

Discover Your Bible studies are published by Faith Alive Christian Resources, the publishing ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. Our study and leader guides are written by practitioners and reviewed by Seminary Professors from Calvin Theological Seminary. The training content and methodology are developed and maintained by Raise Up Global Ministries.

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Discover Our History

Maybe you have never heard of Discover Your Bible, Coffee Break small groups, or the Bible discovery method that is changing lives around the world. In 1970, members of a Christian Reformed church in a Chicago suburb started praying about how to reach out to their community. Since very few preschool options were available in their area, they believed God was leading them to fill that gap. They began a weekly program, Story Hour, for preschoolers. Through crafts, songs, and Bible stories, young children were introduced to Jesus and the story of the Bible. Soon leaders realized that the kids’ parents were also a captive audience. Again they felt God’s nudge in answer to their prayers. They responded by inviting the parents to learn about the same Bible their children were discovering.

Coffee Break

And Coffee Break was born. Discover Your Bible materials were written specifically for that purpose. In a low-key, small-group setting, many women came to know the God of the Bible for the very first time. They were encouraged to ask questions about what they were reading and to share their observations and insights. With the gentle, loving guidance of a caring leader, they discovered for themselves the truths of God’s Word.

They not only learned about God’s love; they experienced it through a community that cared for one another and prayed for each other as they shared their lives together. As they were encouraged in their first steps of faith, they began a journey that led them to a vibrant relationship with Christ. Some eventually became leaders and even directors of Coffee Break programs.

Coffee Break is an informal, casual setting for discovering what the Bible was about.Coffee Break is an informal, casual setting for discovering what the Bible was about.

Discovering Life

Eventually, the enthusiasm for Coffee Break led to the development of a men’s program and the accompanying Discover Life study series. Materials for preschool children (Little Lambs) were also developed. These Bible study materials are used by men and women in a variety of settings, languages, and countries. You will find groups at cafes and college dorms, libraries, and living rooms, and of course churches, the setting in which this Bible discovery ministry began. Groups use the materials in Spanish, English, Korean and more in places from USA to Canada, Australia to Kenya! Time frames vary, organizational details differ, and group sizes and numbers fluctuate, but the low-key, informal discovery process of learning about the Bible stays the same.

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