Discover together what the Bible says and means!
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Discover Your Bible studies give people the tools to read, understand, and dig into what the Bible says and means. Whether you’re familiar with the Bible or have never picked one up before, Discover Your Bible is easy to understand while fostering learning and deep discovery about the Bible and ourselves. Groups meet weekly around the world and encourage asking questions, sharing observations, and experiencing God’s love in a small, casual setting.

Featured Bible Studies

Come face to face with the Christ of Christmas and discover the real meaning of this miraculous story. This study offers an exciting adventure in Bible discovery, not only as you learn facts that may be unfamiliar and challenge some assumptions, but...

Micah’s world is in chaos. His nation is threatened by international powers. Cities are falling to enemies. Among his own people there is injustice and greed. How will God respond? How can God bring justice and give mercy at the same time? Micah invi...

Timothy 1 & 2
The apostle Paul has lived a life of journeys and joys, difficulty and dedication, problems and power. These letters pass on his passion to his son in the faith, Timothy, as Timothy serves in a difficult situation. What will you discover about love,...

The Apostle Paul had a passion, a passion that spills forth in the letter to the people in Galatia. Paul knew a lot was at stake—and he fights for his friends in Galatia for faith and freedom, and truth. What is at stake today? How does this shape ou...
Global Partners
Global Coffee Break groups gather in more than 25 countries around the world. Global Coffee Break works cross-culturally because leaders build the conversation based on their own context and the spiritual needs of the group.

What is a Global Coffee Break Leader Group?
Global Coffee Break leaders are men and women who love to serve and grow with others. We provide leaders with excellent tools and training to help others discover Jesus through his Word. With the support of the Leader Guide, leaders are encouraged to personalize the conversation based on the needs of the group. Connect with us to discover more about leading in Global Coffee Break!
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25Our Global Presence
Global Coffee Break has 1,890 study groups and 15 partners world wide.